Tournament Rules:

5 points win for Black Belts, 5 points win for children and adult kyu (rank under black belt); 2 minutes fighting time, No face contact for all competitors except light face contact for adult brown and black belt; single eliminations.  3 or 5 judges - majority vote. 

 Weight divisions for Black Belt men light (149 lbs. & below); middle (150-179 lbs); heavy (180 & up).  Disqualification for major rocking of the head, blood, bruising, unconsciousness, and un-sportsmanlike behavior.  No face contact for children or adults below brown belt.

Equipment:  Regulation Uniform required; Protective equipment is mandatory (head gear, hand and foot gear, mouthpieces, and groin protectors)

As a competitor it helps my performance to know what the judges will be judging on in kata.

It also helps as a competitor to know what will be scored and what the illegal techniques are in the kumite (sparring).

As a judge it helps the tournament run well if everyone is on the same page.

So we encourage that all competitors and all judges read and become familiar with the following:

Judges criterion for Scoring Kata (Forms):

Three or five judges per ring.  If Five, the high and low scores are crossed out and middle three are added for a total.  In case of a tie, ADD BACK in the LOW scores to break the tie.  If still a tie ADD BACK in the HIGH scores.  If three judges all scores are added for the total.  Five judges is preferred.

Any announcement the student has been taught is acceptable.  Base score on presentation, speed, power, focus, balance,and consistency of technique.

Scoring range is 100 points (600-700 or 700-800 example)

If 5 or fewer competitors, give scores as the kata is presented. If more than 5 competitors, call first three up to perform without scores given and then call back up to set your range.

Note: Put 1st. scores high enough to win if it turns out to be the best kata,

Example:  5 or under competitors:  1st. score 770 (or so )then go under or over from there.

Example:  1st. Three competitors:  Low 745, Middle 760, High 775 (or there about)

If the competitor completely looses their way encourage them to try again.  Score must be at least 10 points lower than would have scored on the restart.



Judges criterion for scoring Kumite (Sparring):


Scoring areas are side and back of head, chest, stomach groin, kidney area.

Off Limits  -  Legs, neck back

Illegal techinques: 

  • Blind techniques ( spins without the head around first)

  • Swing through techniques that don't stop and retreat

  • Face contact below Black and Brown belt adults

  • Strikes to the legs or neck

  • No sweeps allowed

  • Show boating and poor sportsmanship is not allowed

CENTER REFEREES should control their rings!  Caution competitors on swing through and incidental face contact first and then issue warnings.  Same with low kicks as long as there is no bad intent.

PENALITIES are: Warning, Point to opponent, Disqualification    Once one is assessed the next one must increase.  Judges can go strait to point penalty or Disqualifications if decided in conference.  Any Questions, call for the Tournament Promoters, Richard or Cindy.

OUT OF BOUNDS:  If a competitor is circling and steps on line, center should caution.  If competitor i sgoing out of bounds to avoid contact then a warning.  Other Offense a point penalty.  Fighting out of bounds is not a penalty.

THREE OR FIVE JUDGES (5 is preferred), must have a majority to award a point, Center Referee starts and stops fighting.  Corner referees yell "Score" or "Point" if they see something or circle their stick if they see a penalty.

If needed center referee must stop time (penalty conference, equipment malfunction, competitor needs to catch breath or stop crying), then restart when fight resumes.  Other than that it is two minutes running time.  If time is up, competitor that is ahead wins.  If tied, next point wins.

CENTER REFEREE should make certain proper competitor is moved forward on the BRACKET SHEET after each match.

Medals have already been given during the Kata competition.  If there is a competitor did not compete in Kata and has not yet received a Medal, we then award them one.  The goal is only ONE MEDAL PER COMPETITOR FOR COMING AND PARTICIPATING IN THE TOURNAMENT.
